Rev. Nathan Walter (Wal)
Senior Minister, NCAChurch

As a church, the single most important news that we long to share with people is about Jesus Christ: the Son of God, who became a man, died in our place, and rose again to bring us forgiveness and eternal life. We want to share this news about Jesus with everyone - children, youth, adults, and families, in our local area, and through our mission partners in other parts of Sydney and around the world.

As a church, we try to tie everything we do back to our vision:

To see a North Shore that knows Jesus.

Therefore, our mission is:

To make disciples who prepare for Jesus’ return all to God’s glory.

The kind of transformation we long to see is in some ways very simple. We want people who don’t yet know Jesus to hear the good news about his death and resurrection, and to come to salvation by turning back to God and trusting in Christ.

And we want people who already know Jesus to keep being constantly reminded about the good news about his death and resurrection, so that they grow to maturity in him and bear fruit in every good work.

We hope our website gives you some idea about the people we want to be and the things we’re trying to do. But the best way for us to share that with you is by having you join us at church. You’ll be very welcome. 

In fellowship,
Rev. Nathan Walter (Wal)

Join us this Sunday.


Working together in proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Nathan Walter
Senior Minister

Grahame Smith
Assistant Minister
Japanese Ministry

Adam Scott
Assistant Minister

James Macbeth
Assistant Minister

Matthew Holt
Ministry Apprentice

Carol Crane
Office Administrator

Gabriel Aravena
Student Minister