Coming together to be changed by God’s Word.
Our four Sunday services have different styles and are made up of people from all stages and walks of life and all have the same basic goal: we gather to hear and respond to God’s Word about his Son, Jesus Christ. We do this in all sorts of ways: by singing & praying, by reading the Bible and hearing it taught; and by our personal conversations with one another.
We want our Sunday services to feed and enrich God’s people, at the same time as being accessible to family, friends & the local community who might still be exploring.
We gather on Sundays at two separate sites: Naremburn & Cammeray.
Cnr Willoughby Rd &
Merrenburn Ave
Family Church Service
Church for all ages
5 Carter Street,
Family Church Service
Sydney Japanese Evangelical Church
SJEC is a Bi-lingual Japanese-English service.

Join us this Sunday! We’d love to have you.
Please contact us if you have any questions about joining one of the Sunday gatherings.