Considered Giving at NCA

Who are you supporting?

Our church is made up of multiple congregations across two sites with services in two languages. Our ministry team’s responsibilities are the people of NCA across all ages. Our ministry involves:

  • 30+ bible studies a week for adults of all ages

  • Kids Club, Youth Group and dedicated teaching programs for children and teenagers

  • Apprenticing of future gospel workers with MTS and Moore College

  • SRE in local public schools and mission in Japan

Will you partner with us at NCA?

Our Parish Council determines our budget, which is currently around $117,000 per month.

We give thanks to God for your financial partnership with us at NCA.

Would you consider giving to meet our needs so that the gospel might continue to go out at NCA?

The gospel tells us that we are to be, first of all, receivers of God’s lavish generosity to us in Christ…

“Though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.”

2 Corinthians 8:9

God’s word provides clear and encouraging instruction in matters of giving and generosity.

  • There is regular discipline and priority in Christian generosity with money, yet there is also personal discretion in giving as each one sets aside a sum ‘in keeping with your income’ (1 Corinthians 16:1-2)

  • One priority in giving is the support of those set aside to lead the church, especially those whose work is teaching and preaching, reflecting the mutually interdependent relationship between those who are set aside to lead and those who are nourished in the gospel by those leaders (1 Timothy 5:17-18)

  • Financial giving for gospel workers is an expression of our fellowship in Christ and in the gospel (Philippians 4:14-19)

  • We have freedom to give according to our circumstance and opportunity – God will measure our generosity by what we have, not by what we don’t have, and we should each give ‘what we have decided in our heart to give,’ for he loves cheerful givers (2 Corinthians 8:12, 9:7)

How to Give?

Internet banking (preferred method)

You can set up a regular funds transfer direct to NCAChurch using internet banking.

Our bank account details are:
BSB: 062 099
Account number: 1057 4406
Account name: Naremburn Cammeray Anglican Church


You can give cash via the silver Everything Box in the church at Naremburn.


You may be interested in providing for ongoing gospel ministry in your Will. Please talk to your solicitor about making a bequest to NCAChurch. Or, if you would like to discuss this matter further, please contact the church office and ask to speak with one of our church wardens.

What could your next steps be?


Make a deliberate appointment

Find a time in the next fortnight to consider your giving with another member of our church. This could be a spouse or family member, or a friend in your Bible Study or congregation. If you aren’t sure what a conversation like this could look like or who to speak with, please reach out to a Parish Council member – they would love to chat and coffee is on them!


Prayerfully consider your giving

Spend time in prayer and conversation on how you might give to support the work of the gospel at NCA. Consider our church’s need, God’s instruction in his word, and your specific circumstances.


Make a change

Update your giving – make a change to your existing giving arrangements or set up a new one. Details for how to give can be on this page above.


If you have any questions on the above, please reach out to a member of Parish Council, or contact our Wardens at