Church Life.

Kids & Youth


Children / As part of our two morning services (Cammeray 9am and Naremburn 10am) there are term-time programmes for children from creche through to year 5.  At both services, children begin in church with their families. Youth / Our Youth programme has two streams: Basecamp (Years 6-8), and Senior High, (Years 9-12).  It runs on Friday Nights and Sundays during school term times. There are also two youth camps run every year, one in the summer and one in the winter school holidays which all are encouraged to attend.

Japanese Ministry

We encourage all members of NCAChurch to join a Bible Study Group.  There are options for all ages and stages, at different times of the day. A volunteer run creche is available at the Naremburn PMC on Tuesday and Thursday mornings for those with younger kids.

If you’re new to NCAChurch, speak to one of our minstry team to find a group best suited to your situation.

Sunday Gatherings

We gather to hear and respond to God’s Word about his Son, Jesus Christ. We do this in all sort of ways: by singing & praying, by reading the Bible & hearing it taught; and by our personal conversations with one another. 

We want our Sunday services to richly nurture God’s people, while also being very accesible to family, friends & the local community. A typical Sunday service runs for about an hour, with singing, family spots (Cammeray 9 & Narmburn 10), Bible reading, sermon and prayer.  This is followed by an informal time of fellowship.

Find out more about joining us on one of our Sunday gatherings.

Bible Study Groups

We encourage all members of NCAChurch to join a Bible Study Group.  There are options for all ages and stages, at different times of the day. A volunteer run creche is available at the Naremburn PMC on Tuesday and Thursday mornings for those with younger kids.

If you’re new to NCAChurch, speak to one of our minstry team to find a group best suited to your situation.

By God’s grace, we seek to see lives saved through knowing Christ. We want people who don’t yet know Jesus to hear the good news about his death and resurrection, and to come to salvation by turning back to God and trusting in Christ.

Local & Global Mission

We also want to keep an eye on God’s world. After all, his plan is to gather people who will trust in Jesus Christ from every nation, tribe and toungue. A vital way we do this is by partnering with Christians who teach people about Jesus in other parts of the world. We currently support four overseas mission partners in Japan and Central Asia.

In the first place, this means sharing the good news of Jesus Christ in the part of Sydney God has placed us.  One way we do this is through our commitment to teaching Scripture at three local public schools.

We also run regular Christianity Explored courses for those wanting to investigate or reconnect with the Christian faith.

Serving & Giving

When God calls us to trust in Christ, all our priorities for how to use what God has given us change completely, as a reflection of Christ’s good rule over us.

Therefore, we look to every member of NCAChurch to be involved in serving and giving.  If you don’t yet trust Christ, this isn’t for you yet. But we hope it gives you an idea of what being a member of NCAChurch looks like